Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Monday, May 12, 2014
Números ordinales
Números ordinales
- 1º - primero
- 2º - segundo
- 3º - tercero
- 4º - cuarto
- 5º - quinto
- 6º - sexto
- 7º - séptimo
- 8º - octavo
- 9º - noveno
- 10º - décimo
- 11º - decimoprimero / undécimo
- 12º - decimosegundo / duodécimo
- 13º - decimotercero
- 14º - decimocuarto
- 15º - decimoquinto
- 16º - decimosexto
- 17º - decimoséptimo
- 18º - decimoctavo
- 19º - decimonoveno
- 20º - vigésimo
- 21º - vigésimo primero
- 22º - vigésimo segundo
- 23º - vigésimo tercero
- 30º - trigésimo
- 40º - cuadragésimo
- 50º - quincuagésimo
- 60º - sexagésimo
- 70º - septuagésimo
- 80º - octogésimo
- 90º - nonagésimo
- 100º - centésimo
- 101º - centésimo primero
- 200º - ducentésimo
- 300º - tricentésimo
- 400° - cuadringentésimo
- 500°- quingentésimo
- 600°- sexcentésimo
- 700°- septingentésimo
- 800°- octingentésimo
- 900º - noningentésimo
- 1000º - milésimo
- 1000000º - millonésimo
Sunday, May 11, 2014
How to say I like in Spanish. To Like and not to like
Video 1: Using Gustar to Express Likes and Dislikes in Spanish
Video 2: How to say I like in Spanish. To Like and not to like
Source: Likes and Dislike
Me gusta hablar I like to talk
Te encanta comer You love to eat (informal)
Le gusta bailar He/She likes to dance
Le gusta bailar You like to dance (formal)
Nos encanta cantar We love to sing
Les gusta estudiar They/You all like to study
The verb endings for GUSTAR and ENCANTAR always agree with the things that is liked or loved.
If one thing is liked:
Me gusta la clase I like the class
Te encanta la camisa You love the shirt
If more than one thing is liked:
Me gustan las clases I like the classes
Te encantan las camisas You love the shirts
To say someone does not like or love something, say no before the phrase.
No me gusta cantar I do not like to sing
No les encanta estudiar They do not love to study
Spanish words similar to English
Spanish words similar to English
Same as English
- abdomen
- actor
- animal
- auto
- base
- canal
- chocolate
- color
- conductor
- data
- director
- doctor
- error
- gratis ( is this an english word)
- hospital
- hotel
- idea
- ideal
- invisible
- local
- media
- monitor
- motel
- municipal
- piano
- posible
- principal
- similar
- social
Saturday, May 10, 2014
La familia/ The family
Source: All in the family
Video 1: La familia en español
Here are the names for the most common relatives and some of the uncommon ones:
- padre: father
- madre: mother
- hermano: brother
- hermana: sister
- suegro: father-in-law
- suegra: mother-in-law
- cuñado: brother-in-law
- cuñada: sister-in-law
- esposo, marido: husband
- esposa, mujer: wife
- abuelo: grandfather
- abuela: grandmother
- bisabuelo: great-grandfather
- bisabuela: great-grandmother
- tatarabuelo: great-great-grandfather
- tatarabuela: great-great-grandmother
- hijo: son
- hija: daughter
- nieto: grandson
- nieta: granddaughter
- bisnieto: great-grandson
- bisnieta: great-granddaughter
- tataranieto: great-great-grandson
- tataranieta: great-great-granddaughter
- tío: uncle
- tía: aunt
- tío abuelo: great-uncle
- tía abuela: great-aunt
- primo: cousin (male)
- prima: cousin (female)
- primo carnal, prima carnal, primo hermano, prima hermana: first cousin
- primo segundo, prima segunda: second cousin
- sobrino: nephew
- sobrina: niece
- padrastro: stepfather
- madrastra: stepmother
- hijastro: stepson
- hijastra: stepdaughter
- hermanastro: stepbrother
- hermanastra: stepsister
- medio hermano, hermano de padre, hermano de madre: half brother
- media hermana, hermana de padre, hermana de madre: half sister
- concuñado: husband of one's spouse's sister
- concuñada: wife of one's spouse's brother
- consuegro: father-in-law of one's son or daughter
- consuegra: mother-in-law of one's son or daughter
- prometido, novio: fiance, boyfriend, groom
- prometida, novia: fiancee, girlfriend, bride
- compañero: male partner in a couple relationship
- compañera: female partner in a couple relationship
- padrino: godfather
- madrina: godmother
- ahijado: godson
- ahijada: goddaughter
- amigo: friend (male)
- amiga: friend (female)
- conocido: acquaintance (male)
- conocida: acquaintance (female)
Also, the term la familia política may be used as the equivalent of "the in-laws."
Here are some simple sample sentences you can use as models for your own:
- Mi padre es carpintero. My father is a carpenter.
- Mi tía es dentista. My aunt is a dentist.
- Mi madre es ama de casa. My mother is a housewife.
- Tengo dos hermanos y una hermana. I have two brothers and a sister.
- Tengo nueve tíos. I have nine aunts and uncles.
- Mi madrastra vive en el estado de Nueva York. My stepmother lives in New York state.
- Mis sobrinas viven en Chicago. My nieces live in Chicago.
- Mi padre está muerto. My father is dead.
- Mi prima está muerta. My cousin (female) is dead.
- Mi madre está viva. My mother is alive.
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